Oh dear one, oh dear one! I am so terribly, terribly worried.
Something is Wrong—desperately, dreadfully, astonishingly Wrong. I cannot tell you much more here, no, no, no—this is not a Safe Place! (Nor even a Mostly Safe Place, which would be preferable, wouldn’t it?) Oh bother, oh bother, NOTHING is right. And I fear there is a giant, dreadful NOTHING that is something, and it is most certainly Wrong.
Perhaps you’ve noticed? The singing flowers are no longer singing. The stars have stopped whispering their secrets to the grass. Even the mushrooms—who always have something to say, usually in riddles—have fallen strangely silent. And, so very sadly, the Hatter is all in a gloom. I do suggest you visit him and have a look for yourself.
Oh dear, oh dear—did you see the Time? It is of the utmost importance, a key! You must be swift and clever, for this is a quest that will take you many places. You will have to solve riddles (tricky ones!), follow clues (sometimes hidden, sometimes laughing at you just out of reach), and uncover the path to putting things right again.
And do be careful with your words! Sometimes, they must be placed in a box or even after a backslash (yes, a backslash, such a sly and peculiar thing having to do with this place’s url). And when you do, they must be lowercase (if involving letters), and always without any punctuation or spaces. A curious rule, but rules are rules, even in a place where rules like to turn somersaults when no one is looking.
Now, go, go, go! You must begin at once! The fate of Everything and —and Nothing!—rests in your most noble and curious hands.