112 thoughts on “Driptips”

  1. Hello I have been through many sites to get her. I fell in love with a octopus drip tip and I want to purchase it. It was made by black raven. But I read in the comments she may not be doing it anymore :( is that true? If so please let her now that I fell in love woth her work and still would love to purchase some of her outstanding work.

    1. Hi dear Mia! I messaged her recently and she said she was considering doing another run . . . I will let her know that about you <3 That's so sweet! If she does we would also be so delighted!

        1. So sorry for the delayed reply . . Our Vapeland glassblower has retired . . but if you ever do find someone to make you a lovely Octopus tip please let us know! All the best ~

    1. Hi Harmony! The Mad Hatter rounds up a new crop of drip tips every once in a while! Keep checking back for new styles. Thanks :)

  2. For AIV- Hi love the juices, tanklets and well pretty much everything.

    For Teena- if I were to draw out the design and message to you the picture could you be able to make me custom glass drip tip? Btw love your work

  3. I’d love to see some great glass or gemstone drip tips on here. I bought the jade one on my last order but the chimney was very small and I could not use it as my mod has high airflow.

    1. Hi Tom! I’m sorry your drip tip did not work well with your setup. The Mad Hatter brings us new toys all the time, you never know what new sorts of drip tips you’ll find in Vapeland!

  4. Any idea when the cupcake drip tips will be back in stock? Or perhaps totally new designs? I’ll keep checking back!

    1. HI! <3 We should have new & exciting delightful driptips very soon <3 In all shapes, colors and sizes :)

  5. Love the lavender garden driptip till my mod fell out of my pocket and broke at the connection. Try ed to superglue it back but didn’t work. was wondering when you are getting a new shipment of glass tips? Love the blues and butterflies like in the mermaid orb.

    1. Hi Lora! I am so sorry to hear that! :( There is no set date, but we hope to have new glass driptips very soon! Thank you for the kind words <3

  6. Any chance that the handmade glass tips (from bouquet to the Yankees) will be back in stock? I’ve been checking for months, waiting and hoping. If not those specific tips, any possibility for some similar types? Thanks!

    1. Hi Cam! Our glass driptips are handmade and are in stock based upon the artist’s inspiration <3 I am so happy you like them! I shall pass your request along to the Mad Hatter.

    1. Thank you Jennifer :) As long as your tank is sized to fit a 510 driptip, they should fit just fine :)!

  7. Would love to get a set of Alice in wonderland tips for my bestie for Christmas or her birthday….Teena your tips are beautiful!!! Wouldn’t mind having a tip made for myself with red,white and blue daisies….goes perfect with my name….haha liberty flowers, the patriotic hippie

    1. Hi Christine. They are not screw on drip tips, it depends on the tank you are using whether or not they are compatible! I love the sea pearls driptip too, thank you :)

  8. Are you planning on restocking the sea- horse drip tip?
    I broke mine and would love to purchase another one!!

  9. Hi all you wonderful beings of the rabbit hole and beyond! Will you be restocking the frog drip tip in the near future?

    1. Hi dear lovely Allie! We hope to have more beautiful Black Raven Tips soon, and if we can, we will definitely bring more Frogs to Vapeland!

  10. Since it is Alice in Vapeland, I am wondering why there is no Absolem (The caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland) theme drip tips! I’m sure they would be a huge hit, as this is the first thing I thought I would see when coming to the drip-tips page.

    Maybe start producing them? (:

  11. I’m surprised I can’t find reviews on any of the glasstips, they are so unusual and pretty! Had to put a metallic rose into my first order, budget be damned, I can understand why it has now gone sold out (as long as I get mine anyway!).

    Waiting on international shipping is going to be a killer, but worth it for such crafts(wo)manship.

  12. Your driptips are adorable. I notice many of them are not in stock. Do you know when you will have more?

    1. The handmade glass driptips are made by Teena of BlackRavenTips and do tend to sell out very very quickly! But the good news is that we’ll have new ones very soon :)

      1. I could not reach black raven if you can tell her to contact me on my email plz it is about a drip tip idea thx

  13. I was wondering if you guys could do a custom made octopus drip tip?
    Maybe using like green black and blue for colors?

  14. Would love to see these driptips on some models, for a nice visual. Would also LOVE if you did little sweet carrying pouches and whatnot. I love all of your things so much. :)

      1. I’m definitely thinking some Alice themed tips as well! I would love love love the have the Madd Hatter’s hat! Totally going to go put in a request if I can find where. The link you’ve posted doesn’t work :(

        1. What a delightful idea! A Mad Hatter’s Hat driptip!!! We love it :D Nu-vapor is actually down for upgrades for the past few days . . but they should be back up soon!

  15. Can you use a adapter on glass tips without them breaking…i have a ego-c with a vision clearomizer…look’s like these are for a 910

  16. Hi Tina,

    I seriously admire your delicate workmanship and attention to detail. I would like to see if you could possibly come up with something for me? I’ll probably do more than one but maybe we could start with a small butterfly? If that’s possible? Maybe in aqua’s and medium to darker purple’s? I don’t know, I just love butterflies and those colors =) Just let me know!


      1. I wanted to know if you can make me a custom drip tip like darth vader or a hades helm or both I can’t reach black raven on her thread if you can tell her to send me a MSG to my email it would be very appreciated thank you my email is aguayo6793jose@gmail.com

  17. I love, love, love your drip tips! When are you going to be getting some of the more “Girly” tips back in stock? Ever thought of customizing tanks as well?

  18. I’m thrilled because I finally got to place my first order tonight. I’ve been trying to order for a month, but I have terrible timing and you were closed for moving or the holidays. Anyway, I’m simply dying to buy the Kitty drip trip. I keep checking, but she’s gone. Is there any way I could order it as a custom tip? I’d be happy to pay a little more for it. Thanks very much!

  19. I would LOVE to see some type of deep red rose on here. If it shows up, IT’S MINE!!! These are absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! Crymsanne Rose is my Chosen name that came to me in a dream about 14 years ago, now it’s my go to nickname for everything. Just a little background for you anyways. Keep up the AMAZING work!!

    1. Oh yes! Also, they could offer it (the-hopefully-soon-to-appear-deep-red-rose-drip-tip) with a selection of semi-precious stones and/or cz birthstones… Oooooooo… and perhaps a selection of other colours as well-I would love a peach/orange one (the type of rose where the tip of each petal is orange and then fades to a pale peach as you move toward the base). I know I would order several, were they to make that design customisable

      1. Oh sounds pretty, I will work on that for you! Tell Nicole that I send you this note about the orange /peach rose.
        Have her contact me.

  20. I just received two absolutely gorgeous driptips the O’Keefe Rose and the Vintage Rosebud and all I can say is WOW Teena you do spectacular work! They are true works of art and you now have another serious fan that will be watching to collect more :) Thanks so much for creating these beautiful driptips for us to enjoy and to AiV for carrying them.

        1. Really? WOW!

          THANK YOU! YOU ROCK!

          Can’t wait!

          Can you email me once I can buy him. Don’t want to miss out now.

          He belongs home here in Sydney with me.

          He will be my special Me-Time Vaping Companion!

  21. Just LOVING all the new additions… you guys have been very busy I see! Such wonderful new drip tips… wish I could buy them all! And can’t wait to try the new juice too! :) :)

  22. The dragons are magical!!!! All are wonderful but Taina is exquisite! Are these glass or ceramic? And……where is the White Rabbit? I saw him somewhere………

      1. You are fantastic!!!! And Alice is fantastic!!! What a combination! woohoooo

        Where IS the White Rabbit??????????

        1. Thank you Bonny. I love the Dragons also, but thats just the tip (no pun) of my inspiration. I’m making new and different drip tips everyday.

  23. Where’s the GLASS???

    open ……………………….open…………………………..open……………….open

  24. Hi,

    Curious to try your juices. I was wondering if you have anything blueberry flavored. It seems to be my all day vape, whether it be gum,
    Champagne, a oddball mix or what have you.


  25. Hello Dave,
    Thanks for the kind words! We LOVE to hear that!
    We cant wait for you to try our juices. They’re Delicious and all Natural!
    We’ll look into getting those tips in a Acrylic. There are future plans for Ceramic tips in the works…stay tuned.
    Thanks for the comment Dave, Your suggestions are heard and we’ll be in touch.
    Cheers from Vapeland!

  26. Hi Alice,
    Love your website; art and design are great. Waiting for monthly check to put in an order.
    Must try some of those flavors!
    In the meantime, I don’t like the feel of metal driptips but love some of those shapes (saltshaker, watercooler). Any chance those might show up in acrylic or ceramic?
    I’ll get back to you later in the month.

    1. ohhhhh I would love ceramic. I do like the metal tips but ceramic sounds wondermous and wondering about our glassmaker…. can they make tips? how wonderful would that be?

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