White Rabbit



…the curiously indescribable White Rabbit!

Sweet and brilliant Morri, Winner of our ‘It’s Your Flavor Contest’, inspired, named and helped us create this beautiful flavor. She is a wonder in herself, a curious person of many talents, loved by all . . .

SKU: N/A Category:


**Premium formulas. Pure flavor and carrier.** Ingredients include natural flavors, and our ideal mix PG and VG, but don’t hesitate to mention at checkout if you have specific needs. Available in 15ml Gorilla bottles, 30ml Gorilla bottles, 60ml Gorilla bottles, 120ml Gorilla bottles, 15ml Glass bottles with dropper and 250ml Glass bottles with flat tops.


A Haiku written in tribute to White Rabbit, Thank You InformationChef!

Rabbit amongst Trees
Flavors are mischievous
Hide, my elusive love.

Additional information

Weight 0.07 lbs

120mL Gorilla Bottle, 15mL Gorilla Bottle, 30mL Gorilla Bottle, 60mL Gorilla Bottle, 15mL CRC Glass Dripper, 250mL Glass Flat-Cap (Store safely from children)


0mg, 1mg, 3mg, 6mg, 11mg, 18mg, Salts 5mg, Salts 22mg


  1. Zachary McEntire (verified owner)

    got my first order a couple of days ago. it was a 60 ml bottle of white rabbit. the packaging was great and they gave me a sample of bananas roswell, which was also really good. to me white rabbit was a delightful caramel flavor on the inhale and coconut on the exhale. tbh i wasnt expecting coconut so it was a welcome surprise since ive actually been fiending for coconut. amazing juice and ive already placed my second order!

  2. Theresa (verified owner)

    I let this one set for a long while. You know better than I do when I purchased this. It is amazing. I just found it under my dresser. My cat must have knocked it off. This is sorta painful remembering him. He’s been missing a yr today. 14 yrs of him knocking things off my dresser. It is delicious. Thank you for sharing this wonderful vape.

  3. Alicinsane (verified owner)

    I’m reading the reviews, scratching my head. To me it tastes like they put the lime in the coconut and mixed it all together

  4. Adam (verified owner)

    This was my favorite of the several I bought in my first purchase. The flavor is hard to describe, it’s complex, desserty, dark. Maybe like chocolate cookie with a hint of nuttiness? Just so good, never got old and I could smoke all day. They sent a bunch of sweet little gifts too. What a cool company. Definitely buying a bigger bottle next time.

  5. Rebecca White (verified owner)

    I tried this flavor years ago and it stuck with me. I started vaping again and ordered this flavor to see if it tasted as good as I remember. It does! To me its like the frosting of a German chocolate cake. Delicious and a must try!

  6. heather (verified owner)

    I love dessert vapes. its the only kind ive ever vaped. i have been eyeing this flavor for awhile – with so many different takes on it, I was nervous. I finally made the plunge and am SO GLAD I DID. Dessert lovers rejoice! This is the sweetest and darn yummiest flavor ever.

    The first hit is pecan/hazelnut goodness with a hint of caramel. Exhale has a coconut taste. OMG OMG OMG. Why is this heaven in a bottle?

  7. wiggiesmommy42316 (verified owner)

    So i order from AIV about once a week to every 10 days. I always get my usual zombie apocalypse and try something new as well. I had been debating this one for awhile and im so glad i finally ordered it. To start it smells like a white russian and tasted that way as well to begin with but now omg! It tastes just like my gmas homemade pecan fingers in powdered sugar! Which let me tell u is a treat in itself since she only makes them for Christmas. This was always my favorite thing. Getting that square 70’s tin that i must return when im finished full of these wonderfully delicious treats. And now i have it in a vape anytime i want! I dont kno what this vape will hold for me in the future as fas as a flavor change goes but will update when n if it does. Btw kinda hoping it doesnt now

  8. adrienne.lutz.11 (verified owner)

    I am a new customer and I just received this juice today and let me just say- wow. The smell is something close to rum and hazelnut. The taste is rum-y, nutty, and chocolatey. At least for now. I’ve heard it changes for some people, so I’m excited :)

  9. The Meg

    I let this steep for about 2 and a half weeks after reading the reviews. Waited till my birthday to start vaping it. It really is an absolute trip. The first few hits, to me, tasted like rum raisin. Then I put it down for a couple minutes and picked it back up and it tasted like a boozy fruit cake. Took a few more hits, then I got a more prominent yet distinct whiskey and blackberry flavor. This is absolutely wild.

    I’ve spent a considerable amount of time in Britain and it really reminds me of eating the dessert Spotted Dick. It’s a solid delight.

    What I love most about Alice’s eliquids is that these juices are not very sweet. I am what I dubb a Flavor Cannary. I am extremely sensitive to the artificial sweeteners that seem to dominate the premium eliquid market which makes for a very difficult and unpleasant vaping experience. I have NEVER had any troubles with Alice’s juices. They are perfectly complex, full bodied, and just an absolute pleasure to vape. I’m starting to realize that I may never have to go to another Brick and Mortar vape store and be disappointed, again. Usually I have to go and try a ridiculous number of juices before I can find something vapable. I cannot just buy something because it “sounds good” because of how my palate is. This is not the case with Alice. Every. Single. One. has been an absolute pleasure. I thought I was going to have to give up vaping because it started to be a very unenjoyable experience. But you changed my world. Keep up the great work, you have a customer for life.

  10. dreamingofravens333 (verified owner)

    Wow! They weren’t kidding when they said “curiously indescribable”! Upon opening I smelled vanilla bourbon… but when vaping I taste fruit cake with vanilla icing… yet that doesn’t even describe it… it is hard to place but it is delicious! Definitely an all day vape!

  11. dreamingofravens333 (verified owner)

    Wow! They weren’t kidding when they said “curiously indescribable”! Upon opening I emailed calls bourbon… but when vaping I taste fruit cake with vanilla icing… yet that doesn’t even describe it… it is hard to place but it is delicious! Definitely an all day vape!

  12. zazzy6543 (verified owner)

    This flavor is such a wild ride! The flavor and sent seemed to change all the time, between strawberry tart and a chocolate espresso. This is hands down one of the best flavors I have ever tasted!

  13. sljohnson435

    I got a box as a gift & White Rabbit was one of the famous flavors I received. At first the smell was that of straight whiskey but I had to chase the rabbit :) I vape with a Vaporesso mod 6 nic & can’t vape below 50w so it was a surprise to see on the site they should be at low wattage (not sure if it’s out of date). First I got a sweet but not overpowered vanilla caramel cake flavor, then I got a slight fruit dessert very suttle. After waiting an hour when I picked it up I got a sweet chocolate marshmallow cream….it is an amazing juice! I will definitely be buying this in a bigger bottle

  14. Aron (verified owner)

    I didn’t try this until I got down to about a 3rd of the afternoon tea because the flavour was so lovely:) When i did eventually try it I was quite surprised! I have to say it is amazing!!
    I am not quite sure what the flavours are in it as sometimes i get a hint of some liqueur flavour,and other times a dessert flavour but i love it and will definitely be ordering more, along with more afternoon tea and perhaps some other flavours too!
    Thank you AiV for creating these wonderful juices:)

  15. Patrick Ibay (verified owner)

    White Rabbit tastes out of this world! Its tastes like carrot cake with hints of white chocolate( 。・‿・)♡.The flavor of this is truly indescribable as the description says as the flavor can vary to different directions,because it will also taste just like pumpkin, vanilla, buttermilk cookies, and even caramel! As if I really am chasing a White Rabbit down the hole to discover the new wonders of its many versatile flavors! My sister loves it as well and now shes thinking of buying her own vape mod just to share this flavor xD!

  16. Mir

    This tastes like a vanilla malt to me, and that’s fantastic because I love vanilla! It’s delicious, it’s light, and I could vape it all day! I’m one of the annoying max VG people but honestly you guys really hit the mark when mixing up the batch I got! Thanks!

  17. Kimberly Scanlon (verified owner)

    This is definitely one of my favorites. When I first tried awhile back it reminded me of carrot cake but this time around (with a new device too) it reminds me more of a raisin bread. Regardless, I love it!

  18. philipa (verified owner)

    My first order from AiV and I’m quite pleased. I read the reviews on White Rabbit and it seemed like an indescribable juice with complex flavors. I have found over the past year that indescribable juice with complex flavors are exactly what I love. If you give me a juice and tell me it tastes exactly like coffee or a cinnamon roll or a lemon tart or fresh, ripe strawberries, I taste it and go, “no, it bloody well doesn’t…not even close” and then I am usually quite disappointed. So I was on board when I saw people describing White Rabbit as everything from carrot cake to chocolate to coffee to bourbon to hazelnut to cream cheese frosting to raisins to coconut.

    I was not disappointed…I have no idea what it is either except good.

    I taste spice of some sort…allspice or clove or cinnamon or some mix….sometimes I do get what people mean when they say ‘carrot cake’ and sometimes I definitely get something that reminds me of some sort of boozy drink…bourbon and ginger ale maybe…7&7 perhaps.

    In any case I am happy to keep having it seem maddeningly familiar yet quite mysterious.

  19. Summer Hewitt

    I got this juice in my third order about a week ago, and I am sadly halfway through the bottle already! I got the 15 ml size just to try, but I recommend starting with a 30 ml because this juice is amazing!! It’s such an enigma of flavors. At first I tasted carrot cake with a cream cheese icing, then a milk chocolate flavor, but that one didn’t last long as I was quickly greeted by an amazingly sweet tobacco flavor! Definitely give this one a try if you were thinking about it! Thank you Alice for the always amazing customer service and kindness (:

  20. Dawn (verified owner)

    Your delicious E-Juices are a magical blessing! I recently decided to quit smoking rolled tobacco cigarettes. They were causing me to become winded and I was starting to get smokers cough. I had dabbled in a little vaping in the past, but the local tobacco shop had terrible selections. Besides, I was looking for something natural that included the option of VG. I actually found you by accident when I was looking for an Alice and Wonderland graphic for an art project. I had always been a huge fan of Alice and her White Rabbit companion. Of course I did not take any of your graphics but instead became sidetracked by your beautiful artistic site, became inspired and lurked around your site for about two years until I was ready to quit smoking. I promised myself one day I would get some of your E-Juice with natural ingredients and bookmarked your page. Well, this past Saturday I splurged and finally was able to purchase my first collection of E-Juice. A birthday gift to myself (smile). I followed your very perfect advice in the FAQ on nicotine dosage and chose White Rabbit 6mg, Apple PI 6mg, Duchess de Leche 3mg and 15foot Falls 3mg as my first purchases. I also purchased my first real kit, from the link you suggested, they have good prices! I chose the Ego II Mega Kit 2200mAh because it had an artistic psychedelic rainbow color. I am super new at vaping, so I was extremely excited to receive my first bonafide E-Juice from Alice in Vapeland and the kit at the same time. They both arrived in the mail very quickly. I was filled with joy and so amazed at your beautiful packaging, the custom art on the box. (there’s no way I’m throwing this box away!) The beautiful note and clever card, was awesome. I was just speechless and in awe of its artistic quality and I had not even tried the Juices yet. I now truly am smitten by Alice in Vapeland and there is no turning back. The first E-Juice I tried was White Rabbit without steeping. Let me tell you, it was more than fantastic! Amazing does not even describe the feeling of the yummy-ness and the fresh butterscotch accents I tasted. I truly love my first bottle of White Rabbit, the nicotine dosage was just right for me and I had to stop myself and take a brake it was soooo, good. I still have a lot to learn about how to vape but for now I am having a wonderful time getting my vaping technique down just right. Thank you so much for your fine E-Juice and beautiful Art! Your fine poetry, art and juices inspire me!

    • Alice (verified owner)

      Dear Dawn, your story is amazing and we are so glad that you took a trip down the Rabbit Hole to find the White Rabbit himself, no less! We congratulate you on making the switch and we thank you for inspiring us!!! We wish you a lovely, colorful journey into the cloud of vape and are honored to be a part of it.

  21. Melissa Durant (verified owner)

    Curiouser and curiouser! This is my first order from AiV and I’ve already fallen deeply into the hole with this juice! It’s so calming, creamy, light but satisfies you all at once!!!! You have a permanent customer! Also Spencer who helped me with a last minute snafu, was awesome and made my day! Thank you so much!

  22. Rachel Bonnett

    I loved the white rabbit defiantly a reorder and in a much larger bottle!

  23. Three of ♡ (verified owner)

    To me, White Rabbit tastes like a wonderfully dark cup of coffee with strong hazelnut presence. There’s a slight dessert taste and I do adore White Rabbit. The only thing disappointing about it is that I crave more flavor, as if my tongue is missing something and wanting to taste it. Other than that it is a very tasty vape!

  24. Kasha Spies (verified owner)

    Delicious carrot cake! <3

  25. Jane (verified owner)

    I completely endorse AiV’s info section on how different vape setups can change the perception of flavour in their juices. I don’t often vape below 20w these days, but felt it fair to give this juice a fair trial at the recommended watts level. I feel my subtank (21w) will now rise from the grave as this is such an intriguing flavour. There was sweetness but also a tangy note like buttermilk but also a – can’t quite decide between it – fruit or sweet vege taste. Like carrot or pumpkin.

    However when putting the same juice into my StarrePure at 40w it morphed into a delicious tasting cake. Much more creamy tasting also. Like a cake with a heap of delicious creamy frosting that was subtly tangy. Either way both options are fantastic and vaping them side by side are amazing

    • Alice (verified owner)

      Thank you Jane for the thoughtful comments and inspiring experimentation! Wishing you lots of White Rabbit chasing fun!

  26. Kristy

    This flavor is so delicious! I taste toasted coconut, carrot cake, toasted almonds, and either cream cheese or vanilla frosting!

  27. Matt (verified owner)

    This one is hard to pin down at times, but normally it tastes of carrot cake and cream cheese frosting to me. It might be the power of suggestion from other reviews read before trying the juice, but I don’t think so.

    White Rabbit is very tasty. It’s a little too rich for me to use it as an all day vape, but as an occasional treat it is lovely. The flavor is extremely complex, and it expresses itself differently from time to time. I catch almonds, raisins (or maybe currants?), spice cake, hints of cream, brown sugar, and a medley of other flavors that remain elusive to put names to.

    A word of caution, however – this juice is a wick-eater! It will gunk your coils and brown your wicks much faster than you may be used to, and when that happens the magic is gone. Be mindful of this and clean and re-wick often and you’ll be fine.

  28. Jolynn (verified owner)

    I LOVE White Rabbit. I opened my bottle earlier today and have refilled my tank three times. I don’t know what made me choose White Rabbit, could be that it reminded me of Jefferson Airplane, but I am oh so happy that I did! I can’t even describe it other than luscious marshmallow clouds! I will definitely be reordering!

  29. Madison (verified owner)

    I reviewed this a couple of years ago, I think. Back then I tasted something like carrot cake and cream cheese frosting with…something (and that’s still what I get out of it most of the time). The flavor is always subtly different, though, even sometimes during the same tank. This time around, for some reason, during my second tank fill up I started tasted my favorite whiskey. I think I’m going to start calling this stuff “Mood Juice” because no matter when I vape it or what I taste, it always fits my mood and tastes like something I’m craving.

  30. Kelly (verified owner)

    Was very excited to try AIV, so I ordered White Rabbit in 1 nic with max vg. The juice is really great, phenomenal flavor. The flavor profile is indescrible, great from start to finish. As it steeps the flavors just keep getting more dynamic. Delicious clouds, definitely will be ordering a big 60ml bottle in a 3 nic with max vg as well (the juice is pretty thin without it). When I fill up my TFV4 I can go through about 3-4 tank fulls a day! It’s so tasty!!! I love the vape mail, I get so anxious waiting for my packages. Tried April moon as well and I personally like White rabbit more. Tried samples of ‘Twas Brillig, very delicious as well, and Cherry Blossom Tea; personally it wasn’t my cup of tea. Overall super happy with AIV, ordered some juice for a friend and they did an amazing job!!! I would definatly recommend trying AIV and if your unsure about what to order, go for White Rabbit(:

  31. Bunnie (verified owner)

    This has been my ADV for at least a year and a half, probably edging closer into 2 years. I do not know the words to describe it other than comfort and home.

  32. Kat (verified owner)

    So excited to get my white rabbit today. I am also very thrilled to have fallen down the rabbit hole to Vapeland. Definitely will be ordering more juice from the Jabberwocky!

  33. dc.and.the.dragon (verified owner)

    I was looking for a new juice to try and I heard about White Rabbit. The day it came in the mail I was happy. At first I tasted a maple iced cinnamon bun but now I taste apple pie. One friend of mine tried it and tasted chocolate. I love White Rabbit and I will definitely be coming back for more!

  34. Shelby williams (verified owner)

    Love my white rabbit and the three free samplers y’all sent me! Most definitely sold on some AIV! And I love my little charm! My vape is now officially charmed up!

  35. Shawn (verified owner)

    Ohhh Alice, this is a delicious mystery straight out of the box! A must try for dessert lovers We love it!

  36. Kenny (verified owner)

    I’m glad I didn’t review this when it first arrived. What a difference 10 days make! So I bought this in 6mg, max VG. It’s sweet and very complex, My wife thinks it’s a new, different flavor every time I give it to her. I’ve tasted everything from Cracker Jacks to sugar cookies. This is a must try. I’m going to add a little black coffee flavor to it and see what happens!

  37. Heather (verified owner)

    Finally had my first order from Alice… I don’t think I will ever order from anywhere else! These juices really set the bar. I’ve gotten so discouraged vaping for quite awhile because I just couldn’t find any juice I liked…. and then I found Alice! This juice was sent to me as a sample, which was funny because I did not want to try it… big mistake because I LOVE this juice. It reminds me of the samoas girl scout cookie, I got a coconut first and then caramal and then a nice light butter cookie… I absolutely have hated all caramel ejuice until now! Oh I cannot wait to try all these flavors! Thank you AiV!!

  38. Onyi

    To me it tastes like steamed milk! Which l love! l will be ordering more… eventually!

  39. lau4491

    I think I taste a spiced carrot cake. I’m sure this is someone’s cup of tea, just not mine

  40. Lisa (verified owner)

    I usually never leave a review but white rabbit has been one of my favorites since I’ve tried it in a vape shop. Every time I wanted some they were sold out. Now, unfortunately, they are aren’t carrying AiV any more, that saddens me. On the bright side I will be ordering from AiV a lot now! My husband loves the ZA and with our order you threw in Hot Waffle that he’s been dying to try and i think he’ll be getting a bigger bottle of that! Thanks so much for making our vaping experience even better. Totally hooked on these amazing flavors that we can’t vape any other juices but AiV!

    • duchessofvapeland

      Hi Lisa! <3 You both have a spot at the Tea Table anytime! :) Thank you so much! I love White Rabbit too <3 Big hugs!

  41. Shera

    I got this in my little bit of everything sampler and it’s the flavor I decided to try first. It’s not my favorite flavor ever but I taste a orange with bit of coconut and maybe caramel and chocolate and a little bit of a cake thing? it reminded me of another flavor I tried recently (strix elixer “Smitten”) but more toned down, which I actually like about it, it’s not overpowering. It’s got ok vapor production but no funky aftertastes so that’s a plus! I wouldn’t order this one in full size, simply because it’s not my cup of tea, but for someone I’m sure this could be an all day vape and I don’t dislike it! :D

  42. Renay (verified owner)

    Received a 60ml bottle of this at the beginning of January after trying a friends and loving it. On first taste it was very perfume like, so I set it off to the side to age for a month. Came back to it and it tastes like patchouli :(. I’m not getting any cakes, caramel, coconut, nuts, or tobacco from this at all. I have tried clean coils, new tanks, and different voltages with this. Now..Twas Brillig and ZA are my two favorite vapes in the world and I have forsaken every vendor as these are my go to ADVs. No other vendor even comes close to providing the delicious flavors I love from AiV. I love almost every juice I have tried with the exceptions of a few samples that just weren’t my cup of tea. I’m wondering if anyone else is getting nothing but a strong patchouli taste from this juice, or if it needs to steep longer, I steep with caps on for reference. Received my order of ZA in the mail today and thank you to whomever included the free 15 foot falls sample <3. I adore you guys and I will be back for my 60 mils of ZA and some others in a couple of weeks. White Rabbit however, as much as I was looking forward to adoring it, will not be a re-order :(.

    • duchessofvapeland

      Hello dearest!! White Rabbit, more than any of our other delectables, truly transforms with a little steeping. 60mls is a lot of juice! I am so happy you have some favorites to keep you company in the meantime :) I think after a nap your White Rabbit will be what you dreamt it to be! <3 Thank you for being here in Vapeland with us!!

  43. kim (verified owner)

    this juice just gets better and better

  44. Mjay

    I got an entirely different flavor profile. Maybe key lime pie or a Moscow mule …

  45. Dimpled Cheshire

    I let this juice steep because well i did 15 foot falls, a quiet morning and april moon 1st and those were my 3 tops gone lol. So about 2 weeks later (lol) I am finished 15 foot falls 1st and decided the next on the suggested list in FAQ was white rabbit. After rinsing out and reloading with white rabbit I found that this is simply wonderful. to be it tastes like butter rum and pecan icecream. I like it. My grandmama used to make something similar to this by scratch in her kitchen. And chase all of us grandbabies out because we would keep “sampling” her icecream until it was half gone lol. This is definitely like that guilty pleasure that I will have to order when I finish my sampler. Well before I finish the little bit of everything sampler so I don’t run out of juice lol. Keep up the good work. This is the 4th one I have tried and liked. At this rate I think it’s safe to say I’ll stick to AiV for all my vaping needs from here on out with just the 4 juices I have tried so far lol

  46. Sarah

    My first hit was a refreshingly milky one.
    Celery and vanilla.

    After a few more inhales and exhales it still maintains a milky, mochi, rice paper candy, with a bit of spice behind it.
    Coconut yes and pecan a little, maybe

    It isn’t too sweet but it’s also quite subtle.

    I didn’t pick up on anything along the lines of peanuts, almonds, hazelnut, and absolutely no citrus.

  47. kim (verified owner)

    i just wanted to add: like alice’s adventure through wonderland, so to is vaping a journey.

  48. kim (verified owner)

    i get the carrot cake thing. sometimes i get hints of coconut and i agree with ace in that it can remind me of white rabbit candy. love this juice. i’d follow alice down any old rabbit hole!

  49. Holly Waite (verified owner)

    This is one of my favorites but uses up atomizers quickly. Coconut cream vanilla spice.

  50. James (verified owner)

    Interesting flavor. I got a 30ml bottle of this. Initially I was tasting a spiced carrot cake type flavor. However after a day, I found the flavors become more muted, perhaps because I was getting used to the taste? A good juice but I wish I would have gotten a smaller bottle instead.

  51. Ace

    For all of you not from an Asian background try look in your local asian foods store for a candy called white rabbit. I think you’ll find the flavors undoubtedly similar. Awesome vape.

  52. Gregory (verified owner)

    Just got my juice in the mail! The packaging was amazing as usual. Ive started my vapeing journey and so far everything is great. Ive read alot of descriptions on this flavor on here and im having trouble coming to terms with what im tasting. Im dripping it on a .7ohm dual coil tugboat set up at 25-30w and the taste is sweet but subtle. To me there is an unmistakable citrus note to it. Seems to me like there is an orange or tangerine flavor cut with lime or lemon to give it a bright flavor. The sweetness is that of a light white chocolate or sweet cream. Its very good and very smooth on the inhale and the exhale leaves a pleasant aftertaste. Its complex but well balanced.

  53. Sweet Pete

    At 1st I was told the flavor was a butter pecan frosting….. hmmm?
    After vaping the rabbit for a day and reading some of these reviews, I believe that “The White Rabbit” is a curious carrot cake concoction. Hints of coconut & spice swirling around with a warm buttery carrot. How could any rabbit resist?

  54. joe (verified owner)

    One of my favorite vapes now.
    Coconutty, cakey, do I taste a hint of lemon?
    Not sure, don’t care…
    A++ in my book!

  55. Angela

    Oh Rabbit! White Rabbit. I didn’t want to like you at all. Your flavors confused me! Another tank full…lots of long, slow tokes. Cake? Hmmmm…turned up voltage turn up nutty caramel. Lower volts turned up coconut cake. All very mild…I think we will be good friends if I can ever figure you out.

  56. Mythao (verified owner)

    This is my very first vape juice I’ve had from AiV…and when I first opened the bottle, I had to try it to see how it was…and I loved the inhale from the first, but the exhale was a little weird. After a week of steeping, I’ve given it another go, and WOW, it’s delicious! To be honest, I’ve tried many different juices, yet none have really stuck to me, but this – I am addicted! Light, yet full of flavor…my boyfriend doesn’t even like coconut, and he really enjoys this. Looks like I’ll be ordering another bottle of this for him once the portal reopens…and another one for me. :) this is my absolutely favorite ADV…AiV you are amazing! This was definitely worth the wait. Can’t wait to try the rest of your line! :D

  57. Stephanie (verified owner)

    Oh Alice, Oh Alice I think you DO know many many things!!!
    “The time has come,” the Walrus said,
    “To talk of many things:
    Of shoes–and ships–and sealing-wax–
    Of cabbages–and kings–
    And why the sea is boiling hot–
    And whether pigs have wings.”
    And EUREKA- I think I’ve got it!
    What else would you create for your little white bunny and the Vapelandians, but a delicious creamy carrot cake vape? A hint of nutmeg and walnuts rounded out with earthy carrots in soft fluffy cake, topped by sweet, yet mellow cream cheese frosting. Superb. Well done. No-expertly done! No no brilliant creators like Lewis Carroll himself .

  58. Bettie88zombie

    I absolutely love this juice, it’s so completely complex and different. .. I like dessert coconut, and this juice changes every time I vape it…. sometimes I like a almond joy toasted coconut, with a cream, then other times it’s a cakey note…. husband doesn’t like coconut at all and he still loved this, it changes depending on your set up, wattage ect… such a mysterious magical juice. …

  59. nelson

    If only I could give everyone a taste of a special spanich coconut candy that I love everyone would probably say, bingo white rabbit!!. Anyways I get a creamy coconut and warm brown sugar with undertones of milky white chocolate and a pinch of butterscotch. Of course at higher wattage I got slight tones of burnt marshmallows and a bit of pecans. Truly a very complex vape. Not an ADV for me it’s way too sweet but it’s good for a.couple hits in a.m.

  60. Pamela

    Creamy butterscotch with a white cake background. absolutely love it!!!

  61. ladiekali (verified owner)

    I almost did not try white rabbit after these reviews. I dont agree with any one here on flavor notes. First let me say i let my bottles steep for 4 weeks. I dont like coconut, and i dont taste it in this flavor. I dont like hazelnut and i dont taste it either. What the taste reminds me of is white chocolate and tea. I’m not a big tea fan, or chocolate fan. But whatever flavors are in white rabbit are a great mix. Its a creamy vape. I like it with my coffee. I enjoy this one all day every day really. I use cartotanks and iclear x.i. Usually 2 ohms around 7.5 watts. Ive tried it in 6 and 11mg. 6 had a weaker flavor. I tend to prefer fruit vapes, so i was nervous about this flavor. White rabbit, twas brillig and krunkberry are my favorite aiv vapes, in that order. White rabbit is also awesome in a kayfun, mine was built at 1.4 ohms. In each device the flavor notes were slightly different, but oh so yummy.

  62. Myranda

    Wow! Falling down the rabbit hole on this one! Different voltages, different flavors. I got a creamy coconutty flavor on first hit, then turned it up. Then I got the pecan flavor. Turned it up again. Toasted marshmallow! This is a complex flavor that you have to try to believe!

  63. Lisa

    I sadly didn’t enjoy this one despite the white rabbit being my favorite wonderland character. It’s like a lighter version of fifteen foot falls mixed with cupcake city. All of them are way too sugary for my palate. They make me gag tbh, but it’s most likely because I don’t eat sweets.

  64. Anna (verified owner)

    Amazing beyond compare. This juice is creamy, smooth with a rich quality. But I am unable to pin down the exact taste. Maybe brown sugar with a subtle mix of dessert spices finished off with cream and a touch of coconut. This was the first juice I tried and it made me fall in love with Alice’s juices. It is one of my favorite juices, along with 15 Foot Falls and Afternoon Tea.

  65. Maz (verified owner)

    This is a strange one I get hazel nut with carrot cake I’m still not sure if I like this one I keep getting it back out every so often and putting it in my dripper hmmm!!! not to sure.

  66. Gary (verified owner)

    I’ll take a crack at describing White Rabbit, but probably will come no close than anyone else. I taste a sweet, spiced nougat, cinnamon, vanilla, and a vegetal undertone that is both nutty and grassy at once. It’s subtle, not in your face there might be nutmeg or allspice in there, but it’s very hard to say.

  67. Evan

    Great dessert vape, Everyone says it reminds them of coconut or something along those lines but what I get everytime on the exhale is the unmistakeable taste of Cheesecake, complete with Graham cracker crust, It’s unmistakeable everytime. Not a great All day, but perfect for after meal in the evening.

  68. cwestphalrun31

    Tastes almost like a carrot cake with celery. Refreshing and enjoyable. Fits right in my rotation.

  69. Rin13

    It seems that this is one that you either really like or don’t like at all. This is probably the only one that I actually preferred right when I got it. (presteeping) At first it tasted like a SnoBall (Little Debbie coconut cakes)… but after steeping, it’s changed. It was created on 3/1… so 3/20 it tastes like carrot cake to me with a hint of coconut. At different temperatures/ voltages it does taste different. I didn’t understand where people were getting “hazelnut” from until I turned the voltage up. At higher/hotter settings, I do taste a nut note but to me it tastes more like pecan… and I’m not a fan of pecan. I’m not sure how to feel about this yet. It’s not horrible… just odd. It’s worth trying. I suggest getting the sample pack.

  70. eross7

    I was really expecting to love this one..considering I’ve loved every other flavor that i have tried here. I let my sample bottle steep for 2 weeks, it smelled good in the bottle. Once I started puffing on it…eew..I thought my battery might have been turned up too high, I turned it down..down..down..all the way, threw away the coil that was new, thinking that it might have been flawed, put in a brand new one..still tasted like overly burned indescribable sweetness. Left a really bad taste in my mouth..drank a bottle of water, tried it again..still gross.. Guess I will stick to the other flavors, this one is not for me. If this is your first juice, and you have the same distaste for this flavor, don’t give up on the others!! I have absolutely LOVED every other flavor I tried! :)

  71. Victoria (verified owner)

    At first I got pecans. Then a pecan roll?It took me awhile to try and place where I’ve tasted this before… Italian cake!! So very yummy! Slight coconut, pecans,and white cake. Good job :)

  72. chove

    i didn’t really like this vape, the flavor is silent, doesn’t really taste much like anything, but a hint of what reminds me of the smell of freshly cut hay and sugary sweetness tbh even after being steeped for over two weeks. probably won’t buy it again.

  73. Ryan G

    I ordered the Little Bit of Everything sampler, and I’m vaping the samples in reverse alphabetical order. The White Rabbit is a very tasty vape. It seems that everyone here tastes something different. I think that has a lot to do with individual experience, what flavors a person enjoys, etc. When I vape the White Rabbit, I overwhelming taste toasted coconut, with some cream in the background. Like a really fresh, homemade coconut cream pie. Good stuff.

  74. Tom (verified owner)

    My favorite vape ever also my first. I bought at rocky mountain e-cigs now Im getting straight from the source. Plus listening to the dream by in this moment is perfect with white rabbit. I think Alice in Vapeland is the best of them all and always will be my favorite. The best way to discribe the taste is the smoothest mochi( japanese) with a hint of smooth maple and vanilla. Work of art thank you Alice in Vapeland. \(^_^)/

  75. june (verified owner)

    This just has to be the best vape juice out there… anywhere. I have been vaping for a year now and I must say nothing compares to White Rabbit. It is smooth and flavorful straight out of the mail and like all of your vapes gets better with steeping. I have let people with all different pallets try it and they all love it. I also wanted to comment and say thank you so much for offering a sample pack it really made it so much easier to choose without spending lots of money and ending up with juice you don’t like. Although, all your juices are great. I do just have my favorites. Again, thank you and continue making those wonderful concoctions!

  76. Kenny

    Bought this 0mg and let it steep for a few days. It has lots of complex flavors. I couldn’t really get a grasp of what it was until today though. Irish Cream. Very similar taste and smell Very rich.

  77. Alissa

    I got this in the LBE sampler. I waited a week, as long as I could stand it lol… At first I thought it tasted like a caramel cookie… I thought maybe I didn’t clean my inferno enough after ’twas brillig, but that one was super berry so I don’t think it’s that.. After a few more Vapes I kind of got coconut…. I wasn’t sure what to expect because all of the reviews were so different so I was really trying hard to be unbiased! It’s yummy, but I think I’m going to save the rest and steep it for another week like the other reviews have suggested, I’ll be back to rereview in another week! Either way I will have to get a bigger bottle soon!

  78. Sophie (verified owner)


  79. Eric Schultz

    In two years of vaping and trying all types of flavors, blends, companies etc. AiV stands out second to none. First off white rabbit. I hve hd several hundred ml of this juice from 24mg nic (just starting out) to 6mg where I’m happy to stay at these days. This is one of those rAre, almost impossible flavors that no one could put their finger on. There’s 70+ reviews here and everyone is different. Just like a fine wine this too need a lot of time steeping. I have tired many ways of speeding this up but there is nothing fast or instant about steeping out all the flavors in this juice. IMO, take off the cap for 24 hours and very lightly set cap back on bottle. You could even do this stage for up to three days as I have found no different or no lose of juice at all. So after. Day or two, close right and give the bottle a good shake for several minutes. Use the plunger a agitator while mixing. Let juice settle for. Few hours and again crack open the bottle opening it ever so slightly. Repeat this process every two day or three days for two weeks (yeah I know thts a long time to wait for any juice, but this is what this juice requires. The only peppery taste should
    Come from thee exhale and be slight and not over powering at all. If it is. Then let it steep for another week or so. For myself I’m a big custard and simple cream fan. I also enjoys hints of nuttiness and bananas and coconuts. When layer by layer this has them all. When steeped out right and taken care of correctly there isn’t much better juices being made today. The ammount of work tht Hannah puts in to each batch and the work tht goes into your custom labling (alone) sets this company apart from the rest. IMO white rabbit, cherry blossom, and the new pumpkin are your top choices here. I have tired every flavor at different nic levels and white rabbit is as complex and as good as anyone is making these days. Prices are more then fair too.
    Again IMO several well known companies have tired to come close to how
    Complex and real these flavors are, and doing so for double the price. If you a custard or nutty creamy fan with a ever so slight bite upon exhale this you have nothing to lose but to try this. But try it right, steep it like you know what your doing and wait it out. Just like a very fine wine. After years of testing flavors no BS white rabbit is in my top three, which all depends how I feel tht day or what my mood is like. This is a perfect nighttime evening vape tht even after 18 months of AiV will still have you guessing and second guessing. However tht too is useless. This is just one of the best most complex juices ever made. Spend the whole $17.50 for a 30ml bottle and sit on it. Ina few weeks you’ll find yourself writing a review on what you think your tasting. Bottom line. It’s just darn good, complex, nutty and cream based. Similar to. Few of AiV flavor but by far the best. If you want refreshing try the cherry blossom tea. First time I had this I only steeped it out for bout 8-10 days and after my first vape I was honest to god speachless for at least 3 minutes. The only vape to date to give me tht form of reaction. And I would like to think I tired at least the top 50 juices and juicers round. U want a little more spice but without killing your throat then easy enough try some pumkin rumble. Also. Great ED vape if you want it to be. I can count on one hand the companies tht nkw this good of a product. Don’t waste your money anymore on wht u think U might like. Give the three I have examples of and if you honestly do not like them and know of better and cheaper products who care for their customers like AiV does then tell me and I’ll gladly and personally buy back what you did not use inn these batches. But after years of trail and area with a near 100 companies I hve no worry you’ll enjoy what you buy here. If ur a first timer to AiV then just spring for all the samples and give them all a good. Some you might hate others might be ok buy if u find tht one ED vape. Then it was all worth it and worth it to me too in writing this longass yet honest post!! Just give AiV a real chance to wow you. Allow a good deal of steeping time And most important don’t give up after just one single vape. Give it several vapes and let your mind do the deciding for u. But honestly out of the handful of juice makers I know close to this level of mixology. Not a one offers sample packs and tht alone tells me something. Instead of buying one bottle tht u may or may not like for $28.99 buy the whole sampler pack and try them all. You’ll have nothing to lose in doing so but all to gain and you’ll be grateful you did and thank this guy later. Don’t look for sellers with every flavor in the world either. Those are massed produced and just a waste of money and steeping time. I may or maynot have roughly 6-8k worth of vaping gear tht much infuse daily and u do it all for the flavor, VP production and avoiding higher nic levels. But tht all depends on ur devise in use 6-11mg on quaility vaporizer is equal to about 20-26mg out of a standard clearo or cardo. Plus iit will always taste better, and give off more vape too. Especially if u chance vape. 11mg is just fine for someone like U on any devise really. To much nicotine will make your badly ill. Be careful. Vape smart and safe. U made one good choice already and tht to take up vaping. Now it’s time to
    Do it right…. And u don’t have to spend thousands to do it right. Just do ur homework and common logic. Hope this helps someone out there. Best of luck to all u fellow vapers. We are a community tht made a choice to want to live longer and healthier. Maybe it’s time to take all this seriously. But what do I know really. Again I hope at least someone got something out of all this typing and time I put to this. Best of luck my fellow vapors and other then this review hear I also write for a vaper magazine right here in the us. Trying and testing everything from juices to new mods. Google it. You might find it useful and handy!!! I just can’t tell you the name on Hannah’s site its not right or fair at that .. But I’m never ever paid for given anything for free for my opinions. What I say and what I have said is nothing but the. 100% truth and based solely on my personal opinions. Cheers


  80. cheerprncess (verified owner)

    This taste so good. It reminds me of Frangelico Liquor, which is a hazelnut drink that I use to love. I got this in the sampler I purchased and so far I think its one of my favorites. But to be honest I cant really decide which is my favorite because I think I love every single sample I picked!!!

  81. herlindagiles (verified owner)

    White rabbit, white rabbit, where did you go?
    To visit a friend in San Diego.
    White rabbit, white rabbit, what did you see?
    I saw the sea, my friend and me.
    White rabbit, white rabbit, did she steal your heart?
    No, I stole hers and that’s a start.

    After steeping for a week I fell in love. Delightful!

    • Alice (verified owner)

      Oh we love this so very much!! <3

  82. margo (verified owner)

    Right out of the mail, good but peppery and not much sweetness. Now 2 weeks later and… Oh. Goodness.
    I taste pecans and brown sugar and cream. And, um…?
    Will be back for more, for sure.

  83. Kenny

    I bought my Mother an eGo C-Twist with a KangerTech T3S for her birthday in an effort to get her to quit smoking. She hated it. I ordered her the regular ‘gas station’ type cigarette for her, and it came the same day my LBE box from AiV did. She gave me back the Kanger and I eagerly rinsed it out so I could load up my the juice from AiV. My first bottle at random- White Rabbit.

    I loved the taste, but I thought that in my haste I had not washed out her Benson&Hedges Liquid from the container because White Rabbit had such a smooth creamy taste, but had a bite to it in the undertones. I went online to read the reviews- it’s not that I didn’t clean the tank, that bite is meant to be there.

    I taste Milk, but not cow milk, ‘vape’ milk, the sweet buttery-ness of cream vapes, but it’s equally matched by what I could only describe as a nut-marshmellow; Marshmellows are usually very sweet, and I get the sweet of it, but it’s slightly muted by the bite of the pepper under it.

    It produces great vapor. I got the LBE pack in 12mg. I don’t normally buy 12mg but I picked up vaping to quit cigarettes, and I eventually would like to quit vaping so I can start running again. With that said, even at 12mg it has a very nice throat hit. Despite the nutty-milk-vanilla-marshmellow being a bit wispy on my palette it still hits very well. The vapor production isn’t fantastic, but it’s very very good. Of course, that depends on so many factors like voltage and ohm resistance.

    All in all, this is not my adv, and I’m not sure if this will be a re-order (I have the entire LBE box to go through before I decide on re-orders), but this is a pleasant vape with an incredibly unique and interesting taste. It does not disappoint, it’s not overpowering, it’s not too light, it doesn’t mute your taste buds, it doesn’t lack a TH, it’s everything I want in a vape. If I could perfect it I would mute the bite of the pepper and sweeten it, but that is my tongue’s opinion. Taste is subjective. Overall, this is a wonderfully unique juice that I wish I had more of.

  84. mau.other (verified owner)

    Wow this is for sure an interesting one! I had to let it steep for about a week and a half, shaking it often and then this past weekend I laid the sample bottles on top of the radiator shelf, warming them and mixing the ingredients further. Not sure if this actually worked or not, but it completely changed my mind about it.
    First I was like meh… this is just weird, a bit maple? a bit peppery. After the steeping and playing with different ohms and voltages I finally got the perfect combination and it’s delicious. Never thought I would actually add it to my “will buy a bigger bottle next Tuesday” list!
    My suggestion, low ohms/voltage. It removes the peppery taste leaving an interesting sweet vape. This is a special one for sure!

  85. Kate

    idk if it’s just me but this juice wasnt as good as i hope. maybe i need to let it steep? it tasted really peppery anyone else experiencing else this problem?

  86. RPGZealot

    Before I begin, I should mention I’m an atheist. That said, the first words out of my mouth when I first tried this were “oh my god…”

    Is it worthwhile to try and describe this when one of the keys to it is its mystery? Sure… it’s lightly nutty (pecan? almond?), lightly dessert-like (white chocolate? vanilla cake?), and incredibly smooth with a clean finish. There’s just a hint of butter, mayhaps. It’s sneaky. It’s playful. I absolutely love it; this juice is just phenomenal.

  87. yauuik (verified owner)

    this is definitely white chocolate only, I’am sure

  88. VZ

    I find White Rabbit to be quite a strange one. I steeped it for over a week. Upon first inhale it tasted nutty, like walnuts or pecans. Then it tested distinctly peppery. The more I vaped the more subdued the pepper taste became, but it didn’t go away. I’m now tasting an almost coconut flavor, and a sort of but try flavor.
    It isn’t my favorite AiV flavor so far, but I like it. It is interesting.

  89. sudo.spiritbomb (verified owner)

    Tastes like butter pecan or caramel. Cant quite lay my finger on it. Mild throat hit, lower vapor production, strong flavor. Overall, I love it.

  90. blackpurl (verified owner)

    Went on faith with this one too and again was not disappointed. The only thing is still don’t know what flavor it is! Smelled it and smelled like nuts and something else I could not place. Vaped it and it changed again! Had to hide this one from my sister. She loved the smell when I vaped it. Sorry….she took my pun’kin tumble sample ……sob….can’t have this…lol!

  91. Trey Pilk (verified owner)

    LOVE THIS!! Tastes nutty, and pretty hard to describe, but it has quickly became my all day vape! Tastes a lot like Pecan to me, and I love it! Will be ordering a 60ml bottle very soon!

  92. Han (verified owner)

    This juice reminds of childhood memories of that milky vanilla taste of white rabbit candy.

  93. Megan (verified owner)

    Love love love this! I just got it today and I have not been able to put it down. Just became my all day vape for sure. Will be ordering a bigger bottle once mine runs out!!

  94. CABA (verified owner)

    Great flavor, kind of difficult to explain. some kind of vanilla style cream.. reminds me of the filling in a Bavarian cream doughnut. I’ve really started to like this flavor, i can vape it all day or for just a bit.

  95. rainbowfrogpops (verified owner)

    I couldn’t wait to get this and it didn’t disappoint. Best freaking juice ever. This was my first order. I was having trouble finding good juice and didn’t know where to turn till one day I turned on the radio, and got the advice I needed. “Go ask Alice, I think she’ll know” : ) Thanks guys definitely will order again!

  96. Natalie

    This is SOOOOO good that I just can’t put it down. I’m going to need another large bottle far too soon!! I love the packaging, as well. Tickles me like mad.

  97. JinxTheCat

    This stuff is some weird juice yes you can smoke it as soon as you come but what I got was nuts which I hate so I left it alone for a week with the cap off. Then it tasted like caramel and something else which is fine with me better then nuts.

  98. Anthony

    I was really hoping I would like this stuff but all my wife and I can taste is what seems to be alcohol :-( I guess I will let it seep with the top off for a while and try it again next week. What is very strange to me is it smells like 80% alcohol. LOVING the ZombieA and CupcakeC though! No alcohol taste/smell with either of those.

  99. chellemakepeace (verified owner)

    Holy smokes…I don’t like sweet juices normally, but I am seriously in LOVE with this…I have no idea what it is! I just dripped my last drop, and I am mourning the store is CLOSED! :( so so so sad…I will have to sneak in on Tues and order a big ol bottle! :) Thank you :) Oh, and the packaging, is to DIE for! <3

  100. robert_j_sutherland@yahoo.com (verified owner)

    Wow! I am seriously loving this flavor. Kind of nutty, kind of buttery, Sweet but not cloying… Definitely in a league of its own from any other flavor that I’ve vaped in my time! Thanks AiV, keep up the beautiful work!

  101. Lisa (verified owner)

    What I get from White Rabbit is the coconut-pecan frosting from a German Chocolate cake (Minus the Chocolate & cake). Just that creamy yummy frosting. Loving it!

  102. RocketQueen

    I’m not loving it. Received my 15ml bottle today and thought I would sneak a little taste. All I get is a horrible mix of sweet spices that have been slightly burnt. Nothing like everyone else here is reporting. Thought it was my setup at first, but no.

    I’m leaving it to steep a while longer (although in the three weeks it took to get here – Australia – I would have thought it would be plenty steeped.)

    Nonetheless, I’m hoping that getting some air into it will help because I really, REALLY want to love it. I’ll try again in a few days :)

    • alice

      Hi RocketQueen! We hope you come to love White Rabbit as much as us too :) If you have any questions about a good setup for the bunny, please feel free to email us and we’ll do our best to help you out. It’s Jah’s ADV, so he has some very good advice on how to enjoy it!

    • MADDasaHATTER (verified owner)

      Hi there the set up i use is a Vamo v2 with a kanger pro tank with 2.5 oms and it works awesome with this juice and the pumkin juice to hope this helps and really love drinking a great beer with it to an ale or stout best of luck and keep vaping.

  103. Christopher Glasscock (verified owner)

    I’m a dude but OMG!!! Alice just got my order of White Rabbit and it’s making me MADD as a HATTER cuz I can’t put my finger on the taste of it but it takes me back to when I was 10 yrs old at my grandmas house eating all the great things she would bake. Love this juice and now its my #1 and I will always have it on hand as long ya’ll keep making it. Keep of the great work and thanks.

  104. Julie Zimmerman (verified owner)

    Oh Dear Alice, thank you so much for making this juice! I have searched high and low for good juices and now I’ve finally YOU. I first got White Rabbit in a sampler pack and it was by far my favorite. I got a butterscotch, nutty, coconut taste and it filled me with bliss. Thank you so much for saving me from all those other mediocre juices out there. I ordered a giant bottle today and I’m looking forward to receiving it more than you could know! Once again, thank you Alice!

  105. Julie Zimmerman (verified owner)

    Oh Dear Alice, thank you! I have been searching high and low for a good juice and now I’VE FOUND YOU! White rabbit has this rich buttery, nutty, coconut, and butterscotch taste that leaves me wanting more! I have found bliss with The White Rabbit. I got mine in a sampler pack but will be ordering a giant bottle the next time you open! Thank you for saving me from all the other lackluster juices out there!

  106. Cyia

    I LOVE this juice! I can see my self vaping this all day. The first day I got it I could smell the spices and a bit of the frosting that is used to make carrot cake. Second day, the icing was more pronounced and the flavors just started to really come together. I am so much in love with this juice.

    I’ll be ordering a larger bottle come next week and vaping my heart out!

  107. BentoBeth (verified owner)

    LOVE this.
    I get notes of toasted coconut, creamy caramel, maybe hazelnuts?
    Reminds me of a caramel macciato coffee with a coconut macaroon.

  108. Rick B.

    Absolutely delish!! Seems to change each time i vape it. Sometimes its a clear cut case of Coconut Cream Pie. Sometimes toasted coconut with a bakery smell finish. Hit on it one morning and got maple syrup and pancakes. I think that AiV is some sort of collection of Mad Geniuses with this one. Mine and my wifes favorite, hands down!!!

  109. Robert

    I was really off put by this flavor at first. It took me by surprise. There was an odd musty and almost grassy taste. I wasn’t really quite sure what to expect given that the name and flavor are so ambiguous. I have vaped 3 other AiV liquids before this one. I vaped Cupcake City, Mystic Manderlime and Bandersnatch. Bandersnatch was my favorite so but after time I am really enjoying White Rabbit. I went from hating it to it being my favorite AiV juice so far. I don’t want to give away any secrets but I am pretty sure the flavor is carrot cake with vanilla frosting :). I will definitely be ordering a big bottle of it in the future.

  110. Madison (verified owner)

    I originally got White Rabbit in a Doubly Delectable sampler. I got a coconut sort of flavor, almost like a lightly sweet macaroon. I ordered a Petite bottle soon after and now I taste carrot cake (which would make sense, given the name). It’s very much like carrot cake with some spices, that isn’t overly sweet. Actually, it’s like carrot cake that’s almost NOT sweet, but with sweet cream cheese frosting on top.

    Taste is subjective, and really, everyone will probably taste something a little different with any juice. The bottom line is that this is an amazing juice. It isn’t too sweet, too spicy, too ANYthing. It’s just a fantastic juice that (in my opinion) can be vaped all day.

  111. Jiggy

    I’ve been working on my sample for a couple days….I’m getting pancakes with syrup.

  112. phil

    got my first order today, and i had to try this. can’t put my finger on it, but I don’t really enjoy anything but tobacco flavors, and this, i dunno. I love it!

  113. CHRISTOPHER (verified owner)

    so ….. i’ve been vaping this for a couple of days now …. and at first it was a coconut/chocolate flavor that i was getting. then it kinda switched to a maple sort of deal ….. and NOW ….. i am getting whiffs of indian spices. almost like a coconut curry, sooooooo …….. coriander? cardimum?? hmmmmmmm ….. LOVE THE WHITE RABBIT!

  114. Tom

    Really enjoyed this! Better than the Zombie Apocalypse IMO.
    I get a vanilla shake or cake batter taste with White Rabbit. No coconut taste for me. I vaped right out of the bottle. I’m not sure I buy into the steeping thing but I will refrain from it and see if it changes

  115. Clayton (verified owner)

    I dont know what everyone is raving about, IMO this tastes disgusting…. One of my least favorites out of all Alice’s juices. like artificial carrots mixed with fake caramel but worse than that, I got the little bit of everything sampler and the only two I will re order are zombie apocalypse and black and white cookie which are the two best non tobacco flavored I have ever vaped! Crunkberry and twas brilling ain’t bad either but ZA is far and away the best flavor ever made!

  116. Jessica

    Right out of the box, this had a nice coconut flavor to it, not too strong, but not too exciting either. A few weeks steeping, however, has changed this juice dramatically! Still full of coconut flavor, but it now has a lovely, rich caramel taste, with a hint of chocolate.. It reminds me exactly of Samoas! I am vaping my favorite Girl Scout cookie, and I couldn’t be happier!
    Thank you so much, AiV! ♥

  117. the grassninja (verified owner)

    This juice is absolutely delicious, yet so difficult to describe! It seems to taste different to everyone I’ve let try it, with the only constant being that they all love it. Thank you, morri and AiV, this rabbit is utterly fantastic.

  118. Fedrizzle

    Very enjoyable flavor and nice vape. A bit like coconut cremé pie. Definitely on my keep in stock list!

  119. spicywisdom

    I taste… Maple syrup!!!

    • spicywisdom

      …and whiskey and cream and coffee…

  120. Patrick

    Just wow.

    I get the toffee/butterscotch thing. Maybe a hint of coconut. And… well… something nutty, and… and… damn. What is that? Anise?

    Oh hell. I have no idea. All I know is that this stuff is really, really good. Like, the decadent, evil kind of good. I get why so many people rave about it, though trying to figure out what I’m tasting is, no doubt, eventually going to drive me mad as a hatter.

  121. jgn

    Just love this vape. To me, it has a nutty flavor, like pecans and brown sugar sauce on warm bread pudding.

  122. Brandon

    What’s funny about this flavor is everyone gets a different experience from it. Even myself before my 10ml bottle was done. I’ll be truthful, the first half a day, I did not like this flavor one bit. It could have been because I was imagining this flavor to taste like something else, kinda like when you go to take a drink of something and then realize its something else…for those few moments of uncertainty of what you just put into your mouth, no matter what it was, it tastes awful. After a while, this flavor grew on me and i ended up loving it! For half the bottle, I got a toffee/butterscotch flavor…for the second half I got more of a darker fruity taste…both were exceptional!

  123. Edgar (verified owner)

    Just pure awesomeness… had not idea I would love this so much. Ordered it because saw it pop-up many times on ECF… can’t stop vaping it now… They need to start selling it in 5L bottles…

  124. Mar

    sooooo good. coconut macaroon anyone? I can’t get enough

  125. Vickie

    Love, Love, Love this one!!!!! Sweet cream and coconut with a delicate tangy fruit. My giant bottle is disappearing fast! Time to order more!

  126. Joey Red

    “….and if you go chasing rabbits”
    Well let me start this story of woe from its inception….
    Due to the many rave reviews I have found regarding Alice in Vapeland I decided it is time to give it a try, and I did. My sampler included White Rabbit and I absolutely adore it! From the first pull I fell deeper & deeper into a chasm of sensory overload of which I did not want, nor need to escape. Now here comes the woe part: it was a sample size, it evaporated in my lungs & mouth within 2 days (I stretched it) and am unable to re-order because my misfortune is that I discover your ambrosia at the precise moment you are moving to the Southwest. As I write this on the 9th of November in the year of 2012, I am taking my last pulls of this bewitching brew! Please, safe trip & do hurry!!!

  127. CayCay

    I taste sweet coconut and a light creamy milk chocolate. I think there might be more to it. Sometimes I think I taste a hint of lemon or lime and other times I think I taste a dab of hazelnut. Whatever is in it works and blends so smoothly. I don’t like coconut but I have found a great friend in Alice’s white rabbit. Big bottle worthy.

  128. Jsn

    Mmmm I love this Rabbit :)
    Coconut, cream, vanilla and chocolate (?) like to keep the vapor in my mouth for a while, before inhaling…..

  129. abracadebra

    Hi white rabbit lovers yeah yeah!! yummy yummy…im a happy aussie down under..this rabbit is my fav alice..so hits the spot..smoooth creamy coconut hits..n those so cute bottles with charms…makes vaping so much fun…xx

  130. Adam

    Absolutely wonderful juice. So smooth; it’s a very nice morning vape as there’s not a ton of throat hit. Produces a good amount of vapor on my eGo twist at 4.0V. I LOVE the glass bottle and the little rabbit charm wired to it. That’s a very nice touch.

    • LisaL (verified owner)

      Totally agreed, I could not have said it better.

  131. kmh

    I’ve had this in my tank for the last few hours now and I am loving it. I definitely get coconut from this as the primary flavor as well as some sort of nut and another flavor that could very well be a chocolate. While it is sweet it is sweet in a subtle way, not a sickening sweet by any means. The throat hit and vapor are very nice at 3.7v to 4v at 2.4ohms

  132. ScottGChi

    I normally don’t like indescribable flavors that taste different to everyone. But I really do like this one. I definitely taste the sweet coconut. I’d probably describe it more like those 7 layer bars than an Almond Joy…a bit more complicated. Probably a flavor that will benefit from steeping for a few days, but tasty out of the box.

  133. InformationChef (verified owner)

    Haiku tribute to White Rabbit:
    Rabbit amongst Trees
    Flavors are mischievous
    Hide, my elusive love.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmA56YpUcho Alice, by Hatsune Miku.

  134. Charles W Hicks

    I got a “free sample” size bottle of this with my order and loved it. Wish i would of ordered a big bottle of it. Gonna do that…..NOW!

  135. Dominic

    Alice in Vapeland White Rabbit.

    A mysterious and maybe magical blend as curiously engaging and enigmatic as the White Rabbit himself.
    Perfectly named, White Rabbit is a sweet and captivating concoction that cleverly evokes the spirit and essence of the White Rabbit , for just as you think you are about to catch up with the flavour, it eludes you, scurrying off around the next twist of the rabbit hole.
    You find yourself chasing a riddle, thinking at any moment you will round a bend and the answer will be there, yet ultimately having to be content with just the occasional glimpse of a fluffy white tail.
    Enter the world of the White Rabbit and you enter a new dimension where nothing is quite what it seems.

  136. Vanessa

    At first I wasn’t sure what I was tasting here, notes of whiskey? Then something else? Coconuts and almonds were not detected by my palate. Who knows; this is some sneaky mysterious stuff my friends. The more I vaped, the more I liked. Definitely one that grows on you while driving your curiosity mad since you can put a finger what the flavors are. A definite winner and a must try.

  137. Danny T

    White rabbit is possibly one of the most unique flavors I’ve ever tried. It has a coconut flavor. Don’t think I’ve ever seen a coconut flavor anywhere. Makes me think of an almond joy. This one is just plain good. Thank you Morri @ ECF.

  138. scott g.

    what does it taste like?

    • Danny T

      Tastes like an almond joy. Awesome flavor.

      • Charles W Hicks

        Almond joy? LOL

        • Aaron

          I think it’s more like german chocolate cake. Its got a coconut and rich buttery flavor. I just ordered the big bottle.

          • April

            German Chocolate Cake is exactly what I taste. :)

  139. morri at ECF

    OMG it is beautiful and I am so happy!!!!! Yay, the rabbit is home. :)

    • morri at ECF

      It taste nothing like an almond joy to me, and nothing of whiskey LOL. Sometimes I taste a little white chocolate, though there is none in there. I am having a time decided or even FINDING the primary flavor. It is just really good.

      • Victoria

        I must commend you. You have inspired and conspired to create one of the most awesome ejuices available.


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