About Us

“Well, when I was lost, I suppose it’s good advice to stay where you are until someone finds you. But who’d ever think to look for me here? . . . Good advice. If I listened earlier, I wouldn’t be here. But that’s just the trouble with me. I give myself very good advice, but I very seldom follow it. ” – Alice
Why hello, dear friend! We are Alice in Vapeland, collective of mixologists/craftspeople whose passion is to make awesome e-liquids. Based in Albuquerque, NM, we offer the community curious and delightful e-liquids of premium quality. Each hand-crafted flavor goes through an intensive development process. We test and tweak relentlessly until we discover (what we consider) the pinnacle recipe for each flavor. We use only top-shelf ingredients for our juices and we’re continuously developing new flavors, so check back now and then and see what we’ve been up to. We love our products and especially love chilling out with a delicious mix and making massive vapor rings. We also like, in no particular order: cherry blossom trees, DJ Hero, trips to the Zoo, bulldogs and kittens, never-ending summer nights, listening to records, stencil art, mysteryboxes from ebay, film festivals, bbqs, free things, the color red, and places that deliver sushi.

Contact us in Vapeland at:


5740 Osuna Rd NE

Albuquerque, NM 87109

Thanks for stopping by! Please browse our FAQ for more information. Please enjoy our shop and let us know how we can make your flavor dreams come true . .


119 thoughts on “About Us”

  1. I love your products and I would be interested in purchasing a T-shirt if you were ever to make them available.

  2. I have made several attempts to reset my password without success. The link in all your emails takes me right back to the page to request reset password in every email.

    1. Thank you Peter for noticing these bats in the belfry! We’ll work to fix it. In the meantime we found a workaround, there is a link below the box in that email. That link does work to reset the password.

  3. I’ve put in an order over a week ago (I just recieved the cute little welcome packages that was sent) but I’ve not heard anything about my order. I’ve reached out via email because I’ve left out the free sample that you can get, I wanted to add it on and just check on the order in general. But, I’ve not got a response yet. Is the email above the correct/up to date email? Or is there another/new one? Thanks so much!!!

  4. I have been buying from Alice Extracts for many years now and I’ve always been extremely impressed with the quality of their juices and service. The packaging is always beautiful, and the owners include personalized notes and touches that you just can’t get from bigger sellers. I have so many favorite flavors and they’re always coming up with something new and unique to try. Can’t recommend enough :)

  5. After searching for literally months for a lavender flavored juice, I took the plunge for AIV. I have absolutely loved everything I’ve ordered from Alice in Vapeland! Such a wonderful company. I won’t buy vape juice from anyone else as long as they’re around. The Lavishuckle Lemonade, Duchess de Leche & Lavender Ever After are a dream.
    Also, yes, I am a huge Bob Dylan fan so I love the personalized notes you have been adding in.

  6. I am a new customer, having just received my order about 30 minutes ago. Shipping was so unbelievably fast, only TWO days. I live on the other side of the country. I was immediately impressed. I opened my package and was surprised with not only my order of White Rabbit, but a complimentary bottle of Melon Soda. I also received a sticker, a personalized card, and a cute little playing card. The White Rabbit is the juice I’m trying first, and it is absolutely delicious and is definitely my new favorite. Thank ya’ll so much and you gained a new loyal customer. Keep up the great work <3

  7. I have have a question i really love your april moon liquid, i want to order it but the douane don’t let it trough , they destroy it (i live in Belgium) is there an other way i can get it??

    1. Hi Dieter! We’re so glad you love April Moon! The best way would be probably to see if a local shop was willing to order for you? Hope this helps!

  8. I have a question, but am not sure where to find a contact email address….
    I am wondering if you would recommend using pure essential oils and absolutes in a pv/vg blend for diy liquids… Like can I mix some Bulgarian rose essential oil with some vanilla absolute and just blend it into blank e*juice? Ps just got my sampler box. Going to experiment with steeping some of the sweeter ones but am LOVING the cherry blossom and am PUMPED to try a quiet morning. Thank you for providing a more epicurean vape juice option. I’m a super noob to vaping and am looking to use it as a smoking cessation device. Just about the only thing I am more passionate about than tobacco is tea. Thanks for being there, in my flavor profile, and helping me to not smoke analog smokey sticks.

    1. Greetings our dear Czara! Thanks for the kind words! We love making Juices especially for wonderful folks like you! Oh my, we love tea also! Your flavor concepts are very intriguing! We would recommend browsing the e-cig forums (such as e-cigarette-forum.com) for more info on DIY before jumping in, to make sure you experiment safely. I’m sure you will have a lot of fun! Congratulations on making the switch and we wish you a very happy sampling! :)

  9. Another bottle? Oh, what a treat!
    You sneaky devils…
    How very sweet.
    I found a vessel of April Moon…
    Catch me – I’m falling
    In an ecstatic swoon!
    Over the holidays take a well-deserved rest…
    In my humble opinion
    You are simply the best!

  10. Just wanted to TY for the kit. I’m your friend Darryl’s uncle. Been wanting to quit for many years but nothing worked. I’ve gone from 2 packs a day to 3-5 cigs every couple days. Will def be ordering more. Haven’t tried the 4 flavors u sent but for some reason like apple Pi. Thnx again. Tried the emails listed but wouldn’t go through, but def wanted u to know what a great product. Say hi to my nephew. You probably talk to him more then I do.

  11. Ok let me say ahead of time that I’m sorry for how long this review is going to be. I normally don’t review places online but when you find a company as special as aiv I think it’s worth it to take the time to let people know how awesome they were. I started vaping about 4 years ago to quit smoking but struggled to find a juice that I could really continuously vape, they were all too sweet or too chemically, so to not go back to smoking I started chewing tobacco. Recently my 2 year old daughter stopped kissing me goodnight cause I had “yucky stuff” in my mouth (even though i wouldn’t be chewing at the moment) so I decided to give vaping another try. Upon a google search of “not too sweet ejuice” I started to read about aiv, so I decided I would give them a try. I’m so glad I did, not only is their juice amazing but you can tell that they truly care about their customers. In my first order I got “a quiet morning” and “afternoon tea” and they both were amazing, so much so that both my bottles were emptied over the course of a weekend and I was back on their web sight first thing monday morning ordering more. This time I decided to add in a small bottle of zombie apocalypse to my order because I had always wanted to find a good strawberry vape but pretty much stayed away from them in the past because the sweetness issues. Within 2 days of receiving my bottle I was already having to ration it out because if I didn’t then it wouldn’t have even lasted through the weekend. I ended up saving my last little bit to finish off on sunday night and within three days of receiving it I was already ordering more and getting a bottle sent to a friend. I also sent alice a message telling her I had a vaping emergency because the juice was so amazing that I blew right through it and now I must have more. Within a day she assured me that she would have my order rushed right out. Not only is their juice amazing and they are so pleasant to work with but they also genuinely care so much about their customers. I don’t want to ruin any newcomers surprises because I think that first impression is important but it’s made clear in their vapemail how much all the vapelandians mean to alice. I’m so happy that I have found this place and will continue to be a regular customer for as long as i’m vaping, and oh yeah I’m getting good night kisses again :). One small piece of advice for any new customers, if you’re ordering a juice to try I would highly recommend getting the next larger size than what your normal sample bottle would be so that you don’t run out before you can order your regular stash, trust me you’ll be glad you did.

  12. I received my first order and I am so pleased with EVERYTHING! There was so much thought and attention put into the packaging. It was so much fun opening the package. I kept pulling extra goodies out of the decorated box. Whimsical playing cards, the charms on the beautiful glass bottles, a personal note, fluffy colorful stuffing. I was so impressed and love everything! Then I tried one of the juices, Duchess de Leche, and omg it is delicious. Can’t wait to try the other ones that I ordered. Thank you so much. I’m now a customer for life…

  13. Just ordered some White Rabbit that stuff is amazing i can not wait for my order to come just wanted to let you guys know you are amazing and the only place i been ordering my juice from anyways have an amazing day *one day i will get a Alice card :D*

  14. Hi Alice! I love your brand, keep up the good work. We have heard many good things about your products from friends and will be making an order soon!

  15. My first delightful Alice juices arrived today! I am so pleased with both of them: Quiet Morning and Afternoon Tea. I am not fond of overly sweet vapes, have absolutely which saturated the market. What a relief to find these two treats! They are just as they are described on your website! I will be ordering again, and am now more confident to try the Bouquet of Delights assortment as well!
    The small tank bits are another nice little treat! Very cute addition to my vape pen! Thank you so much!

  16. I just wanna say how FREAKING amazing y’all are. I ordered on Thursday morning, my package was shipped out that afternoon and I received it today, only 3 days later! And everything was just beautifully packaged, as usual. Trying out 15 foot falls now. Yum! And thank you, thank you for the sample of White Rabbit!!! You all over in Vapeland never disappoint. I’m obessed with your juices and packaging, always brightens my day <3

  17. I just received my first order from you guys. I ordered a sample box. It was the best packaging I’ve open in a really long time! From the art on the front of the box, to the colorful packing confetti. And there was a cool painted art picture in the very bottom of the box. I also loved the cool little charms on all the bottles. The flavor are also really good!

    1. Thank you so much for the love! We are so glad you are here in Vapeland with us! Thanks for brightening OUR day!!! <3 Happy Vaping!

  18. Hi Have just ordered some of your great juices, normally buy from my local vape shop but he only has a small range.
    some of you artwork looks great and wouldn’t mind buying a few pieces for myself, but they all seem to be out of stock, just wondering if there will be more made.

    1. Hi James! Thanks so much!! The original art pieces are one-of-a-kind! You never know what the Mad Hatter has up his sleeve; we may have some more original art available soon. I will let the artists know that there is a demand :D Of course, we do have a larger supply of original stencil prints (“Forklift”, “Jurassic”, and “Quid quo pro croquet, okay?”). Thank you for your kind words and for visiting us in Vapeland! Much love James!

  19. Just got my order, and I’m staying in Vapeland! Your website was so much fun, especially the accidental adventure that found my Mystical Mandalime. The package was a BRILLIANT surprise (although adventuresses are never late as my charming and beautiful card advised; we arrive exactly when we mean to!) and the flavors so far are more fun than a bundle of bandersnatches. You have a fan for all time!

    What are your thoughts about flower flavors? I happen to be a fan of them: rose, jasmine, violet, iris, poppy, lily… I’m an equal-opportunity flower kind of adventuress. If you ever consider a “Garden of Live Flowers” expedition, count me in and I’ll pack the tea and biscuits.

    Thanks again for a fun ordering adventure and amazing flavors!

    1. Hi Catherine! I’m so happy that you loved your Vapemail! There are many adventures to have in Vapeland, from Bandersnatches to Jabberwockies, and lots in between :D We are thrilled to have you along for the ride.

      The AiV garden is full and bright! We love flowers and floral vapes. Our foremost flowery offerings are 11th Rose, Hello Cherry! and Lavender Ever After. Cheshire Catnip has some floral and herbal qualities as well. I see that these flavors were all part of your order, so please do let us know what you think!

      I hope we’ll have many more adventures together, Catherine! If you ever need anything, just let me know :D

  20. LOVE Alice in Vapeland!!! Just received my second order and am anxiously awaiting my third! From the super Alice in Wonderland themed website that carries right through to the lovely packaging with the charms, cards, and GREATLY APPRECIATED SAMPLES, AIV haas been a great experience. The quality of the juices are the best I’ve tried and I love them all! Alice in Vapeland Juices are the only ones I see myself ever wanting…I see no need to ever go back to the other side of the mirror! Thanks for everything and for making your site and product such a pleasurable experience!!!

    1. Melissa, thank you so much. My heart soars when I read such lovely words! Thank you for joining us in Vapeland, and I hope you’ll be on our side of the mirror for a long time to come :D <3 <3

  21. Hi i just wanted to ask if i were to order some juices with 0mg , if it will take away from the flavor? should i ask for extra flavor at check out?

    1. Hi Kara! Not at all <3 All of our juices are delicious and available at 0mg :) While you are always welcome to request extra flavor for any juice larger than a sample size, I always recommend trying them Alice-style first!

  22. So you guys have been our favorite juice company for the last two years. On one of our earlier shipments, we tried the very delicious He Said/She Said, which you guys no longer offer. I had found that mixing it with Ginger By The Sea made the most delectable bourbon and ginger ale juice. This, coincidentally, was my grandfather’s all time favorite mixed drink. Would there be any possibility of you guys humoring the idea of trying out a bourbon and ginger ale flavor in the future?

    1. Hi Robert! That sounds divine! What a brilliant idea! I have passed your idea along to the Maddest of Hatters here in the Mushroom Lab! Who knows what he will mix up next. I will let you know if anything comes to life. Thank you for the idea!! We are so happy to have you here in Vapeland with us :-)

  23. Alice in Vapeland has the BEST customer service. I have placed several orders from this company and they have the best liquids and flavours of any line of juice makers I’ve ever tried. I had an issue once with a flavour I thought had changed (it must have been my palate, they hadn’t changed the recipe) and they responded quickly and my experience was excellent. They really DO have the BEST top of the line juices and I would recommend this company to every vaper I ever meet. I have had nothing but a wonderful experience ordering from them and the shipping is fast and easy to track. A special shout-out to Hannah for making my buying experience wonderful!
    Puffy Clouds,
    Kelsey M. Wilson

    1. Kelsey! You just made my day <3 Thank you soooooo much! Good luck on the final stretch of grad school :)! -Hannah

    2. I found flavors tend to seem to change on different coils and we all know it changes as a coil breaks down.

  24. I have happily lost count of the number of orders I’ve placed, but I know I couldn’t wait to order again today! Every package is such a treat – beautifully wrapped with special extras and juices that cannot be matched for quality and flavor. A package from AIV will simply make your day…..and that, my friends, is so very wonderful! <33 to all at AIV

  25. I want to say thank you to everyone down at AIV. This is my third order and it is always a treat when the package arrives. All those who are interested the old stomping grounds are still busy and building.

  26. Hey man.
    just wondering, do you guys ship to the U.K, if I order directly from the site?
    Also, if you do, what time is best to do so? Been waiting far too long to try your juice!! Can’t find it in the UK.

      1. Haha, Thanks! Yes, UK ecigstore is my go too, but they’ve got no 3mg at the moment, so, thought I’d go straight I the sorce.
        Is Tuesday the next time I can order?
        What time? And it’s American Eastern time right? Just so I can work out what time I need to order UK time. Thanks again, websites ️️awsome by the way.

        1. Thank you Tom! Yes, Tuesday at Noon (American EST) until Wednesday at Noon :) You can sign up for a Portal Notification email on our site if that helps :) We hope to see you tumbling down the Rabbit Hole very soon!

  27. I’d love to try a lot of these, but since I live in EU, they’ll probably be taken in import, are there any plans on selling these from within EU?
    And is it possible to get shipped as a present? (:

    1. Hi there :) We ship to countries in the EU all of the time :)! We are currently working with stores in the UK and France, you can check out our Brick & Mortar map for more information! Or, always feel free to email us with any questions at: hannah@aliceinvapeland.com <3 We love to send Unbirthday presents :) All you need to do is mention who it is for in the Order Notes at checkout and we can make a Vapemail for your special somebody! <3

  28. I just have a question for you guys I plan on ordering in the future but I cnt vape higher pg blends it makes me feel wierd anything under 70vg I dnt vape if I order and write in the comments to make it a 70vg/30pg blend could you guys do that for me PLEASE……? Thanks

    1. Hiya Josh! You sure can :) For any bottle larger than a sample <3 All you need to do is request it in the Order Notes at checkout!

  29. I am putting this here, in the hopes that you wonderful folks in the Labs will take this into account. I think your line would be the PERFECT place to make a cranberry vape! There is only one place that I have found that makes a cranberry vape and it is a grape cranberry blend (think Oceanspray juice). I believe that yall could really pull off like a sugared cranberry flavor…any thoughts about this? Now No time to say goodbye, hello! I’m late, I’m late, I’m late!

    1. Hi Ashley! That does sound scrumptious! We will pass your delectable idea along to the Mad Hatter :) You never know what he will mix up next. . . Curiouser & curiouser. . . :)

      1. Well thank you John :D I also thought of another flavor that I think might be good…..a honeysuckle and fruit(strawberry, peach or apricot specifically)…hmmmm

  30. Hello guys and gals in vapeland, iv just recieved my order from you today and I just wanted to say a massive thankyou! It’s been less then 2 weeks to get delivery here in the uk and WOW everything was just as I expected amazing! From opening the box to trying the juice everything has been perfect, I could not of asked for more, I will defiantly be using you guys again and thankyou so so much for the vapeland experience and thankyou for the free samplers! I love you guys!

    Lincoln, England

  31. Hi Alice as I posted before I am in love with my new exclusive place to shop for vapes….. AIV! I love how your product is packaged and just love love love my vape mail. My question is how can I get more playing cards. I would love if you offered them to sell. They are awesome. My daughter and I are trying to collect them. The only trouble is we are fighting over who gets the first set!!! Could you help with this?

    1. I would also love a full deck. I have a couple doubles so it will probably take 100+ orders to complete the set and I doubt I’ll live long enough to go through that much liquid, heh.

  32. Alice your vapes are extraordinary. They are the best I have ever found. I tend to be a little obsessive when I start something and it was no different when I started vaping. I tried soooo many vapes until I found you. These are truly the best vapes out there. My only problem is I have such difficulty with your website when I go to order. Sometimes I get lucky and get my order in and other times it just doesn’t happen. Could you please help a poor girl? Any suggestions? I check regularly for your opening and choose my goodies , then get to check out and it crashes on me. Help I love my AIV and desperately want to get my orders in.

  33. Alice, sweet Alice. How I love your curious creations and fabulously fun vapemail. Every box is like an un-birthday delight!

    White Rabbit is special for me. So many tweedledees describe the indescribable. For me it’s so clear! (And most assuredly others will disagree) alas, It brings me back to a special place, in a very tall chair my mother used to sit me in as a baby. On special days she made me graham crackers and milk to eat with a bowl and spoon. This graham cracker cereal was something I long forgot about, until that day the rabbit appeared at my doorstep.

    And everything here has been magical! Not a foul taste as far as the eye can see or the nose can smell. I recently found an odd little place I didn’t know about, and now I am excited toulose my mind with the green faerie on my next visit back!

    And as a request!!

    A glorious, and decadent butterscotch candy!
    Of the dime store variety, honest and true.
    Oh please!
    And thank you! :)

    1. *Justin* Thank you for the indescribably beautiful note! We are honored to serve you fresh delicious bits o’ magic and your love sends our hearts afloat high into the atmosphere . . ! Thank you for being an Alicandrian! <3

    2. Hear, Hear! I have to add a hearty second to that Butterscotch request, as butterscotch is my elusive and much desired vape!!!

    3. I’m so happy to have found you!
      So far my favorite flavor is 15 foot falls, please don’t ever stop making it because I would cry. Lol.
      Your the best and I absolutely love your customer service.

  34. Thank you AIV. You are the reason I quit smoking. I do not have a favorite as of yet, but rather they are ALL my favorites. I awake in the morning with a Zombie and drift throughout the day with many Rabbits… LOL
    I look forward to many adventures…..

  35. Hello AiV!! First I want to say thank you for taking the time to create a special flavor just for me! My husband surprised me for my birthday with a wonderful lavender flavored vape. I feel in love with Cherry Blossom when I first vaped it and I cherish the small bottles of Ginger by the Sea I can get, and now my mind has been blown with my own juice of lavender gelato. The amount of care, passion, and love you put into every bottle is evident in this lovely vape. You guys are amazing and thanks for making this birthday a very special one for me.

    1. Happy Birthday, Laura! We were so delighted at the sweet and thoughtful gift your Husband planned for you and we were so happy to be a part of it! We wish you all the best and hope you enjoy vaping your special delight! <3

  36. Hello! I am a newbie to all this and feel very lucky to have found you dear Alice! I can’t tell you how excited I was to see my first package arrive yesterday! Everything was so beautiful and you really know how to make a girl feel special! I started with a small sampler and a petite bottle of ZA, put the ZA right in my tank! Delicious! Can’t wait to try everything else, already ordered a big bottle of Cupcake City just so I have something to look forward too! You guys are beyond fantastic!!!

  37. just received my awesome package today! The quality and flavor of your liquids is really top shelf. The personal touch you put into the packaging is amazing, and the fact that it is comming from my home town here in duke city makes me proud indeed! Can’t wait for a pick up option to become available,, please notify us all when you do!

  38. Oh wow….Oh wow……Alice you have blown me away! I ordered a little bit of everything for my daughter and myself and we are both soooooo very, very impressed! It started when I opened the package to an instant Alice party! Confetti, a personalized message, 2 Alice playing cards, a charm and a full sized bottle of Ginger By The Sea (which by the way, is awesome!) Alice, you go above and beyond! We love the juice and all the extras are so special! We are oh so glad that we fell down the hole! Love you guys! Thanks bunches!

  39. message from France ,thank’s a lot for your marvellous juice, all is perfect
    have a nice day ,all the best

  40. Uk buyer here – I have tried and loved many of your juices but am struggling to get past the high shipping costs / and the big mark-up of your uk re-seller. Would you guys consider selling bottles of flavour concentrates? It would definitely make me a happy bunny if I could buy in a bottle of white rabbit concentrate!

  41. Hi!

    I just wanted to thank you for making such great flavors for a vape! I love the criminal berry, my all time favorite, and your packing was awesome too! I look forward to ordering from you again, you guys are awesome!

  42. Hey AliceInVapeland, I’m dying to try some of your stuff but it seems you aren’t accepting new orders at this time. Is there a date I should check back in which you’ll be accepting orders? That Pumpkin Tumble is calling my name :)

  43. Oh my, I didn’ realize you were right here in albuquerqur until I got my order confirmation and saw the zip code. I can’t wait for you lovely people to open a brick and mortar here in ABQ. If you ever need an intern… I have a lot of free time ;-).

  44. Do you guys do custom ratios that lean more towards PG?

    I would mostly be interested in 100% PG juice with extra flavoring.

      1. Really? I didn’t think that PG or VG had much to do with flavor. I just have an appreciation for a throat hit that borders on violent.

        I’m not a fan of VG…I just didn’t know it effected flavor.

  45. I am new to vaping and was wondering what is the most detectable taste? My problem is I have tried a few juices and can taste nothing…..Any ideas?
    Great site, look forward to buying some juice..

    1. Hi Jim! Your vaping set-up is so very important to get optimum flavor :) Luckily, the community is awesome at helping with this so please email us or check out the ECF (e-cigarette-forum) and we’ll all try to get you vaping as delectably as possible!

  46. Ive been hearing a lot about your flavors and wondered if you have a store in Alb where your juices can be picked up in person? Thanks!

    1. Hi! Thanks so much for checking us out :) Local pick-up is not currently available, as we’re very busy all day long, but we’re hoping to offer this in the future!

  47. Just wondering what PG/VG mix you guys use in your juices. I cant seem to find it anywhere on your site. I was referred here by a friend of mine but I seem to be sensitive to high PG juices, I seem to do best with a 50/50 combo. I want to order something to try your stuff, but I want to know what Im buying first. Thanks for your time in advance.

  48. Heard from another Aussie, that u give discount for first time buyers. R u still offering that. She raves about your EJuices and is giving me a sample to try. Lucky me!! Cheers, Jude

    1. Hi Jude! We don’t have such a coupon at this time but we DO generally have sales a few times a year! And the best part of ordering samples for the first time is getting lots of little Juices and trying them out! :)

  49. If you guys are based out of D.C.? Why is my package coming out of New Mexico? This adds an attentional few days to the delivery of my juice. and makes me question if you make it yourself or contract out. I’m trying to be cool here, but just to let everyone know it does take quite awhile to get your juice. My order was put in on the 20th of Nov. it was JUST put in the mail yesterday the 28th… Now when I have run out of juice and ordered from my staple place and THAT gets delivered before THIS even gets sent out. I write this in your comments section…. When I am waiting for my nicotine fix ,speed is of the essence. When your whole business is centered around nicotine, speed of delivery is one area that I would focus on for room of improvement.

    1. Hi our friend! Thank you for your advice, questions and concerns :) We had been based out of DC, but when we started experiencing some growth, made the decision to relocate to New Mexico, in order to re-structure and accommodate for all our new friends. It was our goal to improve the speed to which our hand-made packages make it from us to you. We closed a week, during our move, which gave us just enough time to drive across the country and set-up. Then we re-opened, and soon offered a sale, to celebrate our new opening! I believe at this time you joined us :) So, to make a long story short, we’re freshly open (since Nov. 16 at our new location), and working very hard to get things out faster! We expect that, within a few months, our shipping time, as you discussed in your message, will improve drastically :)

    1. Hi Katie! Thanks for asking :) Most likely we will just continue to offer 15ml and 18ml. Switch2ecigs.com does offer smaller sizes of our Juices (in the UK).

  50. LOVE LOVE LOVE “Cupcake City!” Each & every vape is like the very first one. HOW on Earth did you manage to make an eLiquid taste EXACTLY like a gooey white icing Cupcake? I’m a raw foodist that doesn’t touch white sugar anymore, so “Cupcake City” allows me to have my Cupcake and eat it too…. lol. I don’t know what I’d do without this flavor now as I’ve not found any other supplier with a Liquid that matches my tastes to a tee such as this one. Please promise me one tiny little thing? To NEVER stop producing “Cupcake City” and IF you ever do you’ll immediately contact me with the Recipe? Pretty please? I’ll be falling into the Rabbit Hole regularly… expect me again soon! Ta Ta! (ECF: blondeambition3) Eve ;)

  51. Some of us local DC metro-area vapers REALLY wish you had a brick and mortar” venue for us to visit and shop in.

    It is driving me crazy knowing that there is a group of incredibly talented, creative and caring Vape suppliers like y’all just minutes from my home, but I can’t visit you in person, peruse your beautiful hand-made drip tips in person, and pick up e-liquids in person without having to wait for the mail.

    Help a brother out… ;-)

    1. Hi Richard!! Awww, thanks so much! We’ve got the most amazing folks that are part of Vapeland!! That’s what really makes this place so magical and so great! :) You’re absolutely right! This area is in desperate need for a Vaping Depot!!! We wish we had the means to make it happen . . . but probably not for a while. However, whoever opens a DC area brick & mortar store will undoubtedly be a hailed hero (and surely, very successful!), and we would help out in any way possible!!!

  52. I’ m absolutely impressed!
    Customer service, packing and products is way over the top, even though I only placed a small order.

    The shipping is very fast, less than a week to Denmark.
    I love looking at your site, and all the beautiful things, labels and descriptions – and I will be back for more :)

  53. Making Juices is our passion, and when we have the pleasure of meeting the best people this world has to offer, we’re the luckiest ones around! . .

  54. I have been vaping for 3 years now. During this time I have tried many, many e-juices (way too many). Without any hesitation I can honestly say that your e-juice is by far, the absolute best I have ever tried; both in flavor and in quality. I really do detect a difference .. I just wish I had found you sooner! Just keep doing what you’re doing, because your product is phenomenal!! Best of luck and continued success!

  55. Just wanted to let everyone know that not only is the quality and flavor of the juice top-notch, but the customer service is amazing! My wife and I are sold, as well as the co-worker who initially allowed me to sample your products. Everything we have tried is fantastic but your Cherry Blossom Tea has just become one of our “Must Haves”.

    Thank you for the passion and care in your craft which is extremely evident!

  56. Thank-you for the lovely boxed samplers! They came in the mail today and I have tried them all. Let me say its going to be tough trying to choose my favorites! However, your Lemon loves cake is already my first choice! Next is hard to say; love the Mandolime and Cherry Blossom as well as the White Rabbit! I plan to steep them for a few days before making up my mind thou. Probably will order the ones I mentioned for sure and go from there. Thanks for tucking in an extra sample! oh…decisions, decisions….

  57. I was very impressed with the e-juice order I placed. Ordered on 7-2-12 got it today 7-5-12. Very good!!! (with the fourth being a holliday ) I haven’t had a chance to try all the different Flavors I ordered. I was very impressed with the presentation. The charms on the bottles, my daughter said “those are mine”. The packaging was like I was getting a gift. and thanks for the freebies, nice touch.
    I was wondering when you develope a flavor do you use a drip atty? And I would assume you do to test the changes during development. What ohm atty have you found to bring out the Flavors you want? I’m using a vvv so I can change the voltage for different juce. I usually pair it with a Cisco 1.5 but I’m open to suggestions
    Thanks again for the great service,

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